Hello, I’m Sue

Mentor, Coach, Thought Leader

Helping You Find Your Own Path to Love Your Life

Mentoring & Coaching

Discover Healing

Speaking Engagements

“If the brain is the radio receiver, then the heart is the dial, tuning the radio to the frequency of your choice”

Nassim Haramein (Physicist and founder of  the Resonance Science Foundation)

The highest state of consciousness through which we can ascertain the truth of a situation, is through the vibrational field that we call love. This is not indiscriminate love. It is not love without awareness of those things that are out of alignment. In fact, this love uses discrimination as an important part of awareness.

From that vibratory place of love within yourself you can perceive things more clearly in terms of their true nature, as opposed to what your senses are telling you.

The physical senses are giving us one piece of information, but it’s only a very small sliver of what is occurring. However, if we come from an attitude and a vibrational feeling sense of love, of interconnectedness, then we’re more elevated in consciousness. From that elevated position, our intuition and our understanding is much more immediate and clear to make the correct decisions that benefit the earth and humanity.

Our life situations provide an opportunity, whether we are aware of it or not, to make a choice. We have parts in our psychology that are unforgiving, jealous, petty and anger-filled, just as we have parts that are uplifted, loving and compassionate.

Which part will you choose to express?

Will we respond to a situation through our negative nature, through anger, through jealousy, through pettiness, through an unwillingness to forgive? Or will we choose to respond to a situation from our positive nature, which is based on love and compassion, understanding and truth?

Our emotional responses create our destiny and the future patterns that will unfold in our lives. We lay the road to “heaven” or “hell”, brick by brick, by the choices we make in our everyday lives.

Let’s focus on our capacity to love and to forgive. Do our work where we are right now…bloom where we are planted.

Love to connect with You

Find Your Own Path Today

Love Your Life!

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